Background of the Study
Seeking medical attention is crucial for maintaining the health and well-being of elderly individuals, but various barriers often prevent older adults from accessing healthcare services. In Kogi State, elderly patients face several obstacles, including economic factors, transportation challenges, social stigma, and a lack of awareness about healthcare services. These barriers can result in delayed diagnoses, untreated chronic conditions, and an overall deterioration in health (Okoye & Bello, 2023). Although previous studies have highlighted barriers to healthcare access in other regions, the specific barriers faced by elderly individuals in Kogi State have not been thoroughly explored. This study will investigate the barriers that elderly patients face in seeking medical attention in Kogi State and how these barriers impact their health outcomes.
Statement of the Problem
Elderly individuals in Kogi State often experience poor health outcomes due to delays in seeking medical care, which may be influenced by financial constraints, lack of transportation, or societal attitudes toward aging and illness. Despite the availability of healthcare services, these barriers prevent elderly individuals from accessing timely and appropriate care. This study will examine these barriers and their effects on healthcare-seeking behavior among elderly individuals in Kogi State.
Objectives of the Study
To identify the key barriers preventing elderly patients from seeking medical attention in Kogi State.
To examine the impact of these barriers on the health outcomes of elderly patients in Kogi State.
To propose recommendations to address the barriers and improve healthcare access for elderly individuals in Kogi State.
Research Questions
What are the key barriers preventing elderly patients from seeking medical attention in Kogi State?
How do these barriers affect the health outcomes of elderly patients in Kogi State?
What strategies can be implemented to reduce the barriers to healthcare access for elderly individuals in Kogi State?
Research Hypotheses
Economic factors and transportation issues are the primary barriers to healthcare access for elderly individuals in Kogi State.
Elderly individuals who face significant barriers in seeking medical attention experience worse health outcomes than those who have fewer barriers.
Addressing the barriers to healthcare access will improve the health outcomes of elderly individuals in Kogi State.
Scope and Limitations of the Study
This study will focus on elderly individuals residing in both urban and rural areas of Kogi State. Limitations include the reliance on self-reported data, which may be subject to recall bias or social desirability bias.
Definitions of Terms
Healthcare Access Barriers: Any physical, economic, or social factors that prevent individuals from obtaining necessary healthcare services.
Elderly: Individuals aged 65 years or older who may experience challenges in accessing healthcare due to age-related factors.
Health Outcomes: The results of healthcare interventions, including improvements or deterioration in physical and mental health.
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study...
Background of the Study :
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